Intolerance Test Reviews - Case Studies - Test My Intolerance

Case Studies

Examples of life-changing discoveries. Find yours today.

We’re lucky enough to have completed over 370,000 tests to date and with that we have heard about some great positive results from our customers. Below we have featured a selection of positive discoveries where lives have been changed for the better.

Some testimonials have been edited for clarity and length.

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Here is a selection of our client’s experiences.

Digestive Problems – Mark, Dublin

Migraine & Headaches – Caroline, S.Wales

Tiredness & Fatigue – Scott, New Hampshire

Joint Pain – Jackie, Bournemouth

Digestive Problems:

Sarah, 19, Middleborough

My doctor wanted to give me an invasive operation to find out why I couldn’t put weight on but my mum found Test Your Intolerance online so we sent off a test quickly. The results were back within 7 days and showed us lots of things that I had been eating. We followed the eating plan and with their suggestions, put weight on… finally! Very happy, thank you.


The company were always at hand to answer any questions. I decided to have food intolerance tests done after years of digestion problems, for example IBS. I found I was intolerant to millet and oats so all those years of eating granary bread had to go. Also, deficient in Vitamin B, Vitamin D and Potassium so I now take supplements. I cannot believe the difference in my symptoms from cutting the grains out. I always presumed it was wheat and milk but these foods are okay. I highly recommend this company and amazed at their costs to give such fantastic benefits.


After several years of great stress, I was diagnosed with Leaky Gut Syndrome and hypothyroidism. That was just the beginning. I was exhausted all the time with body aches, stomach and gut issues, brain fog, you name it. After several diets, including a Candida diet, going gluten-free and dairy free and the Whole 30, I was better but still not 100%. I was still not able to exercise like I wanted or had the energy I desired to be there for my family. I saw a friend’s son benefit from the Intolerance Testing and decided, “why not?” The results came back and I decided to immediately limit those things in my diet. Within a week, I noticed a difference. A few weeks later, and I saw my energy levels return! I have not felt this great in 5 years!! I am in my 40s but feel like I am 25 again! Plus, the blotches on my skin (from inflammation) disappeared! I highly recommend Intolerance Testing to anyone dealing with gut and health issues. It will save you years of guessing!

Migraine & Headaches:

Christopher, 36, Manchester

Working in offices means I have to look at screens under bad lighting a lot so my glasses prescription has steadily increased to combat my headaches. I didn’t want to go onto medication so looked online for a suggestion and saw it could be intolerances so used Test Your Intolerance. The results told me to cut out sugar which initially I laughed at, but I have and I honestly feel amazing. I’ve lost weight (obviously) and don’t get headaches anymore.

Vicki, 45, King’s Lynn

I’m Vicky and I’ve been ill for as long as I can remember. The worst thing for me was the headaches, which never seem to stop. I got them at school, I get them at work and they stop me from functioning. My mum got me a test for Christmas (weird I know!) and I sent it off. The test showed me that I had an intolerance to cats, and I have always had cats! I tried a prolonged period away and my headaches went, so at least I now know what the problem is!

Patricia, 55, Sheffield

I get headaches on a daily basis, or at least I used to before I took the Test Your Intolerance Test. I quickly sent off my hair strands and the I followed their plan. I no longer get headaches and I feel better already.

Tiredness & Fatigue:

Pauline, 25, Newton Abbott

I was diagnosed with fatigue and had to take time off from work, which when I work for myself, means no chance to earn. I needed a quick solution so looked online and found Test Your Intolerance and sent in a hair sample for all my family. I was found to have a gluten intolerance which I have no cut out and feel much better. Thank you.

Alan, 65, Buckinghamshire

I was fed up with needing to sleep a lot so I saw the doctor who said I wasn’t getting the right vitamins. I wanted to know what I needed so got a test and that said to get more fruits. I have changed my diet and I feel more awake already, thank you Test Your Intolerance, your test removed the guesswork.

Joint Pain:

Amy, 37, East London

Hi, I’m Amy and I found Test Your Intolerance through Google after looking for answers to my inflamed joints. I was told that it might be a food intolerance so sent off a hair sample and the results showed I was intolerant to all sorts of nuts. I’ve cut them out and they have improved dramatically. No other test came close to this accuracy.

A non-invasive alternative to traditional allergy and intolerance screening.

Positive Stories.

Cort’s Story

Cort, 6, got psoriasis in March 2014 – we didn’t know what it was at first, and one doctor suspected a viral eczema. We saw an allergist, two pediatricians, and a dermatologist. During this time it continued to escalate. We finally requested a biopsy and found that it was psoriasis. We later discovered that psoriasis runs on both sides of the family.

We were prescribed many different steroid creams (two for his hair, three for his skin), as well as oral steroids. We were spending about $90 a month on steroids, with insurance.

The steroids made Cort feel very angry and emotional. His skin only responded to one of the steroid creams, but it was so dangerous that he had to be monitored every couple of days to make sure his skin wasn’t thinning too much. I tried some more natural remedies, since I didn’t like him being on so many steroids, but they did not help either.

Last summer I started an elimination diet. Because we didn’t know what was causing the issue, the things we eliminated were a shot in the dark. Now that we have his results, it turns out that only one of the many foods we eliminated was something he shouldn’t have had (bell peppers). We did sun therapy every day in the summer.


When he started back to school in August, he was off numerous foods, but his skin was flaring so badly that he started to feel sad every day because other kids were asking about it.  He had trouble sleeping at night, because it would itch and burn so badly (sometimes he scratched until it bled).

I started looking online for a place to have food intolerance testing done, since I couldn’t seem to convince any of his specialists to order the test. That is when I found The Intolerance Testing Group.

Once we got the results back, we took him off all the foods on the list.  Your tests also showed a high build up of yeast in his system.  We took him off all yeast, and then started using some natural methods to help with his digestive health (aloe vera, caprylic acid, coconut water, probiotics).  I took him off all steroids, and started using an organic castor oil on his skin.

Within a week we started to see a difference.  The spots of psoriasis were started to turn white in the center.  With the steroids, they healed from the outside in, but with the dietary changes they were healing from the inside out.

I suspect some of the big irritants for Cort were the dairy and chocolate.  His skin is cleared up now (you can just see white spots where the psoriasis used to be), and we have slowly let him start having trace amounts of some of the things on the list (like onion powder or sunflower oil that is mixed in with other foods).  We plan to keep him off most of the foods on the list from here on.  When Cort goes to a birthday party, he takes his own cupcakes that don’t have any milk.  He keeps a bag of special snacks at school for parties there.  And on Halloween, he traded all his chocolate candy for a yo yo that he wanted from the store.  Because he is so happy to have clear skin that doesn’t itch and burn, he doesn’t mind having to make a few sacrifices.

Rebecca’s Story

I haven’t always had problem skin; it only seemed to develop once I hit my twenties. I tried absolutely everything to treat the acne: antibiotics, laser treatment, natural remedies, chemical treatments and microdermabrasion. Unfortunately, none of these things seems to have much of an effect and only left me more and more frustrated.

A friend told me about Test My Intolerance, as she had been tested and lost 40lbs after eliminating her problem foods. I was sceptical at first as I had never heard of this type of testing. The company offers a full money back guarantee, so I figured I had nothing to lose.

The ordering process was quick and simple and the fact that you download the test submission form means you can send your sample in the mail the same day. This really appealed to me because I was eager to get my results as quickly as possible.I received my results within five days of my sample arriving at the testing facility.

The recommendation from the company is to eliminate all items in my report for a minimum of four weeks. This was a challenge as many of the items in my report were my favourite foods!

After two weeks on the elimination diet my skin started to feel less greasy and angry.


By the end of the four weeks I could not believe the difference when looking back at old pictures of myself! My skin looked almost ‘normal’! All these years I’ve been trying to treat the surface of the skin and it didn’t even occur to me that the root cause may be what I’m putting into my body. I feel so much more comfortable in my own skin and would recommend the test to anyone suffering from skin conditions, especially acne.

I am going to continue with eliminating the offending foods and plan on taking the test again in six months.

Order your sensitivity test today!

Within 7 days you could be on the way to a healthier you. Your full food and non-food sensitivity report will give you the information you need to make positive changes to your life.

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